Find out what accent reduction is all about.

As people move across borders for education, work, and personal growth, they often encounter the challenge of being understood and accepted in their new linguistic environments. This is where accent reduction comes into play. The goal of accent reduction is not to erase one’s cultural identity but to enhance clarity and ease of communication in...

Imagine walking into a boardroom filled with top executives from various parts of the world. You’re about to present a groundbreaking idea that could propel your career to new heights. But as you begin to speak, you notice puzzled expressions and strained ears. Despite your expertise and innovative ideas, your accent becomes a barrier, causing...

Most business professionals get nervous about speaking in public. Our communication skills seem to go out the window as the size of the audience grows. Whether it’s a progress report given to a handful of colleagues or a quarterly review presented before the board of directors, you will need to follow these steps to ensure...

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Class Time: 24x7
New York Address: 99 Wall Street #246, New York, NY 10005 (classes are online, not at this address)
Florida Address: 7901 4 St N #300, St Petersburg, FL 33702 (classes are online, not at this address)