The internet is full of courses that help people with their English language skills. But most English as a Second Language (ESL) programs will only get you partway to your goals. American accent training is what you need to complete your progress. Let’s see some of those things you can’t get from most ESL schools.

More than grammar
You know how to construct a proper sentence. What you don’t know is how to say things naturally. You need insight into American culture and communication style. An accent coach can help you by giving you options and discussing the multiple ways to say something. They can help you find the best way to express yourself and leave a good impression.
Precise pronunciation
Most ESL teachers help you with pronunciation, but only to the level of “good enough”. English students are often frustrated when their teacher tells them their pronunciation is great, and then they are misunderstood out in the real world. The details that an accent coach can give you are much more specific. They will tell you how to say things like an American. If you want to speak fluently, not just understandably, American accent training will suit your needs.
When you hear Americans speak, it can seem like their words are blended together. They link words and sometimes even drop certain sounds. The simple greeting, “How do you do?” may sound more like, “Hadydu?” So, how can you know which sounds to skip and when? One way is to spend years trying to pick up on the patterns while having conversations with Americans. Another way is to enlist the help of an accent coach to break things down for you.
Rhythm and Intonation
Everyone laughs, but you don’t get the joke. Everyone nods, but you don’t get the point. Have you ever had the feeling that you missed something in a meeting or conversation? Americans like to use voice inflection to put hidden meaning into the things they say. It can be hard to keep up. So what can you do to tap into that mode of communication? The answer is rhythm and intonation. Get an accent coach to show you all the things you can do with your voice to put deeper meaning into your words and expressions. Once you learn how to do this yourself, it will be easier to recognize when others do it.
Natural English- American accent training
If you are looking for grammar drills and mindless repetition to learn basic vocabulary, then any ESL course will do the trick. But if you want to push yourself to greater heights and master the art of professional communication, sign up for American accent training. Get a coach who can give you the feedback you need. Now that you are at a higher level of English proficiency, you need a higher level of input to stimulate growth and bolster your professional image.