If you have made it your goal to improve your American Accent, you may find yourself in an uphill battle. So, what are some tips that’ll keep you moving toward your summit? Check out these five ways to master the American accent:
1. Get to work on your American accent!
True, this may seem obvious, but finding the time needed to produce results can be challenging. Instead of thinking in terms of “time,” think “progress.” Every step counts on your climb to the top, so every day, ask yourself:
“How can I improve my American accent by 1%?”
It doesn’t sound like a lot, but it adds up in the end. Minor improvements over time lead to major gains. Then, if you find yourself with more time and energy, increase your goal. The key is to make sure you’re still climbing, even with those small steps.
We will discuss some specific accent reduction exercises in a minute, but first, let’s talk about motivation!
2. Analyze why you want to improve your American Accent.
Some people love the idea of learning new accents. However, for others, the American accent is merely a tool that can open up more opportunities in the future. So pause for a moment and examine your reason for learning the American Accent.
Is this important? Yes! Our motivation influences our determination. It helps us prioritize, and it shapes our drive and focus. Being unsure why you are learning the American Accent is like driving without a destination. Eventually, you will run out of gas.
If learning the American Accent is your means to an end, you have to think about what end you are shooting for. Mark out a path to reach your goals of personal improvement. The more specific you are about what motivates you, the easier it will be to set realistic goals.
Keep it positive, and you may feel more enthusiastic about the journey. Here are some examples of reasonable end goals:
- Reach a broader audience
- Make more connections
- Actively participate in group discussions
- Nail a job interview
3. Learn How it Works
Unveiling the science behind accents can reveal much. Of course, you don’t have to become a linguist. Yet, familiarizing yourself with the way phonemes are produced will help.
Learning the specific ways you move your lips, tongue, and jaw in a position to create each sound shows that you are in control and can adjust. Then, it becomes easier to adopt them once you unearth the speech patterns, including rhythm and tone that combine to create an accent.
4. Exercise
Training yourself to speak American English is like learning a new dance or sport. It’s almost as physical. As we talk, we engage over 100 muscles, many of which are controllable and thus trainable. So, how can you strengthen your control over these movements?
Warm-up! One way to prepare for a day of speaking in the American accent is by taking at least 5 minutes to stretch your tongue, widen and purse your lips, and drop and close your jaw. These quick exercises will help loosen the muscles needed to form new and unfamiliar shapes.
You can also work out difficult sounds by exaggerating and slowing down the movement. Challenge yourself with tongue twisters. To find inspiration, search the internet for “articulation,” “diction,” or “speech exercises.”
5. Get Accent Help
Following these five tips will help you master any accent, including the neutral American English accent.