Tag: Pronunciation

Find out what accent reduction is all about.

You want to lose your accent, and you’ve heard about accent reduction. But you may be asking yourself: is it...

The answer is yes. You can retrain your native accent at any age. But the younger you start, the easier...

Are you wondering how to develop your accent? Can American accent training help you communicate more clearly? If you have...

Do you have a regional or foreign accent? If so, perhaps you realize that by reducing your accent, you will...

Do you have a thick accent? Would you like to improve your American English accent? There are many factors to...

If you need help getting rid of your accent, you are not alone. Many people have stated that one of...

Most people think of speech as a mental exercise. But have you noticed all of the muscle movements involved in...

Accents are fun. The way you speak is a reflection of where you are from. Many Americans enjoy meeting people...

If you have made it your goal to improve your American Accent, you may find yourself in an uphill battle....

“Once you live in America for a while, you will pick up the accent.” That’s what they say, but is...

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