Is American Accent Training Right For Me?

Globalization is becoming a new standard. People, countries, and cultures seem closer than ever. If you have moved to the USA, you may be grappling with how to blend in without forgetting or disregarding your background.

There are two main reasons why people seek American accent training. The first is because they have grown tired of repeating themselves when someone misunderstands them. The second is because they want to project the best possible professional image. Let’s see the ins and outs of each one.

Tired of repeating yourself?

A frustrated woman speaks on the phoneIt can be draining and stressful to constantly repeat or rephrase everything you say. It’s not just at work. It’s at the grocery store, at the mall, and even the gas station. And especially over the phone! Repeating yourself every once in a while is no trouble. Even native English speakers need to repeat sometimes. But when it happens with almost every other word, it’s exasperating.

With American accent training, you won’t just learn the correct way to say something. You will learn the American way to say it. There are many details unique to the American accent that you need to know so that you can understand clearly. You have to stop and think about what each part of the mouth is doing. Take a look inside, so to speak. For example, we move our tongue forward when we say Long E sounds. Try saying this sentence with that forward tongue movement: “I’d like peaches and cream, please.” The movement makes a big difference!

These tips can help you speak more clearly so people will understand you the first time. But they can also help with your professional image. How is that?

Project the right image

You have the knowledge and experience. You know what you are doing. But people don’t take you seriously. Why is that? It could have something to do with your communication skills.

A questioning face on a question markYour communication skills can limit or boost your potential for upward mobility. Living and working in a new language environment requires more than using correct grammar. You have to watch what you say and the way you say it. People form opinions about you based on the way you present yourself.

One common issue involves intonation. Many people from countries in Latin America, Europe, and South Asia have a pattern of intonation that goes up instead of down. To Americans, this can give the impression that you are doubting every word you say. Or possibly that you are seeking approval and confirmation. This tendency is called up-talk, and it can severely undermine your professional image.

So what is the solution? Use a falling tone for most syllables to show confidence, especially when stating your convictions.

How does American accent training work?

But American accent training goes beyond these quick tips and tricks. It helps you long-term. Consistency is your key to lasting change. So, what does the process entail?

First, you meet your coach and explain to them the challenges you face and the difficulties you have. Then, you systematically study all the details of each sound we use in English. This is an important step because the consistent corrections help you slowly adjust your muscle memory to pronounce the sounds the American way. All those tiny adjustments add up to a big task. But with the right input, along with consistent practice, you can do it.

As you improve your accuracy, you can advance into the next stage, where you learn how to blend all the sounds together naturally. You will learn about sound combinations, reductions, rhythm, and intonation. Each of these skills takes time to master, but they are essential to effective communication.

Will American accent training work for me?

Do you repeat yourself frequently to be understood? Would you like to improve your communication style and professional image? All you have to do is set aside a little time each week and give it a try. It does not have to be hours of tedious lectures and homework, either. Just a half-hour a week or a few times a week will do the trick. Don’t hold yourself back! Sign up today and find out all that American training can do for you.

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